Outreach and Justice

We eagerly provide many types of help to Keeling Elementary School, serving an under-resourced neighborhood in the center of Tucson, in the belief that we have the most impact by focusing our efforts on a particular school. We also provide financial support to Our Family Services through regular donations and special fundraising.
Tutoring - Our volunteers help first graders develop their reading and writing skills through our Reading Sprouts program that was developed by Keeling Elementary’s reading specialists. Tutors spend one day a week working with students 1:1. This program was started in 2015 and has proven to be effective in improving the reading levels of at-risk students. Starting in 2017, our volunteers were asked by Keeling’s fifth grade teachers to develop a weekly writing workshop for their students to give them the opportunity to enhance their writing skills. In subsequent years, the workshop was adapted for the fourth graders and in 2024, it will be introduced to Keeling’s second grade students.
School Supply Drive - Each summer our caring, generous congregation contributes a very large load of much needed school supplies including paper, pens. pencils, crayons, markers, glue, and facial tissues. Those donations are delivered to Keeling and then their teachers “shop” for supplies to set up their classrooms.
Keeling Christmas - Our congregation also buys gifts for children at Christmas. When money is scarce, Keeling parents can locate sources for donations of food and clothing, but not necessarily new Christmas presents. Families “shop” for their children from the toys we provide. These gifts help make the holidays a little merrier for about 75 children each year.
Tax Credits - Tax-credit donations each year provide field trips and other extracurricular activities to Keeling students. Underprivileged schools typically don’t receive much of this help from financially struggling parents. Tax-credit donations from our congregation provide a big financial boost for Keeling’s enrichment program.
Teacher Appreciation - We treat the Keeling staff to a much-deserved luncheon during national Teacher Appreciation Week. This is to recognize their dedication and hard work in educating their students. Again, being a disadvantaged school means economic resources are not otherwise there to provide such an event. Staff members feel supported and are immensely appreciative of the congregation’s support of Keeling’s staff and students.
Compassion on the Border (CoB) is a committee of CAUCC and functions under the umbrella of the Ministry of Justice Advocacy and Mission (MJAM). CoB’s service is two-pronged:
To provide for the immediate needs of asylum-seekers and migrants in the form of food, clothing, hygiene items, etc.
To support changes to the system that would enable those fleeing from intolerable conditions to become valued and contributing members of our city, state, and country. CoB funds its work through donations and the sale of hand-crafted items that are made available to members and friends of the congregation and to area gift shops.
Cruzando Fronteras - Cruzando Fronteras (CF) is a collaboration among the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ. It oversees the financial aspects of La Casa de Misericordia (La Casa) in Nogales, Mexico, a migrant shelter that houses asylum seekers arriving in Nogales who are seeking legal asylum in the United States.
CAUCC supports the work of CF through the activities of CoB, including fundraising campaigns, group tours of La Casa and informational updates for the congregation.
Iskashitaa - This community organization provides networking and food-industry training for immigrants and refugees in Tucson. We provide financial support for this program.
Café Justo - A cooperative owned by small crop coffee growers in Mexico that provide end-to-end coffee production and distribution. We offer their coffee for sale as well as make it available in our kitchen for serving the congregation.
This helps the coffee grower families earn enough income to be able to work at home and not have the economic need to cross the border to the US for income.
In 2020, CAUCC partnered with Our Family Services to prevent homelessness. Our Eviction Prevention Campaign began with a generous seed donation by a member of CAUCC that resulted in a total donation to Our Family Services of $109,410, preventing at least 20 families from experiencing homelessness.
Keeling Elementary Food Pantry - The Keeling Elementary food pantry is held monthly during the school year and provides much needed food to those families living in the neighborhood. Volunteers set up food supplied by the Community Food Bank, welcome and sign in clients, and clean up after the food distribution. We do not host this on our campus.
Reunion House - Financial contributions to Our Family Services allow teens who are homeless and living in temporary care access to local events and activities during the summer.
Habitat for Humanity - Habitat draws upon community help to build homes for low-income families. In addition to annual financial donations to Tucson Habitat for Humanity, our team of hammerers and painters comes together once or twice a year to aid in the building of Habitat homes.
Primavera Men’s Shelter - A small group prepares and serves dinner once a month for 100+ homeless men at a shelter on the south side of Tucson. Donations of cookies or fruit from the congregation provide the best part, the dessert!
Interfaith Community Services (ICS) - We provide financial support, canned goods, and volunteer help to ICS whose mission is to help seniors, individuals with disabilities, and people in financial crisis achieve stable and independent lives.
TIHAN - Tucson Interfaith HIV/Aids Network provides education and support to individuals living with HIV/Aids. Congregation members volunteer once a year to help serve lunch at the Poz Cafe, play bingo and donate various personal hygiene products to attendees.
Casa Maria Soup Kitchen - We provide a financial contribution to the soup kitchen operated by the Casa Maria Catholic Worker Community, which supports works of mercy and justice on Tucson’s south side.
Throughout the year, our youth and children help those in need by supporting a variety of mission projects within the congregation’s ministries and by mobilizing support for initiatives of their own choosing. They also make banners with messages of welcome and peace displayed outdoors.
Souper Bowl of Caring - This national, youth-based event is held on Super Bowl Sunday, with sale proceeds benefiting local food banks.
Heifer International - Fund-raisers are held to buy animals to create livelihoods for people in poverty around the world.
Tucson Earth Day Festival - We sponsor an educational booth on native seeds and plants at this Tucson event held each April.
CROP Walk - We participate in this national event, organized by Church World Services, by fundraising for a walk around University of Arizona neighborhoods, with donated funds benefiting local food banks.
Family Fun Days and Vacation Bible School Projects - Money and goods donated by Vacation Bible School youth benefit several local agencies doing mission work. Family Fun Day activities have included making sandwiches for delivery to Primavera Men’s Shelter and Casa Alitas Migrant Shelter.
LGBTQ+ Support - CAUCC is an Open and Affirming congregation. It regularly provides financial support to the UCC’s national Open and Affirming Coalition and supports and collaborates with other denominations in the Tucson area to advocate for and assist Tucson’s LBGQT.
Pima County Interfaith (PCI) - CAUCC is an active member of PCI, advancing social justice, living out God’s requirement “To act justly and love mercy” (Micah 6:8). PCI's membership includes nearly 30 diverse local faith communities and nonprofit organizations. PCI addresses the structural issues that lead to poverty, lack of access to healthcare and quality education, and builds relationships across diverse socioeconomic groups.
In need of assistance with food or rent? Contact Interfaith Community Resources (ICS).
Are you being evicted or need assistance with housing? Contact Our Family Services.
Looking for LGBTQ+ Resources? Visit our LGBTQ+ page.
Are you experiencing homelessness and need assistance? Contact The Primavera Foundation.