
Upcoming Events

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Regular Events at CAUCC

  • Sunday Series - Better Stories

    The stories we hear and tell inform and shape the stories we live and create. You are invited to join with Pastor Michael for a Sunday series that will lift up some of the stories we have heard about our world (might makes right, survival of the fittest, other conventional wisdom) and stories we have heard about ourselves (what did you hear from parents? Peers? Religious leaders?). Then we will look at stories told by those seeking divine purpose in our Scriptural and faith tradition. How do the God stories differ from the conventional wisdom?

     Finally, we will explore ways we can both tell and live into better stories, ones that are life-giving for us and for those around us. How do we speak and live into stories of compassion, healing, justice, and love?

     Pastor Michael will share some readings and videos ahead of time in preparation for the sessions, so please sign up if you plan to attend any of these Sunday mornings so that you will receive the materials. When you sign up, please indicate if you plan to be in person or on Zoom (and a Zoom link will be sent to you). Sign up by clicking here.

  • Hike and Contemplation with Michael (on pause until November) - monthly hike for all abilities at different locations (typically November - April) Click here to sign up!

  • Dine with Nine - a monthly dinner with 9 church members and friends to get to know each other better

  • Eclectic Book Club - Meets the second Saturday of each month (except in December) at 9:30 am to discuss that month’s book and enjoy each other’s fellowship.

  • Grief Group - monthly meeting for those experiencing grief (loss of loved ones, pets, jobs, and other sources of grief are welcome)

  • Men’s Breakfast - Thursday 8:30 am get-together at Beyond Bread at Ina/Oracle to discuss and ponder all local and worldwide happenings

  • Rummage Sale - Each fall, CAUCC hosts a campus-wide annual rummage sale with proceeds going to several local missions.

  • Bike Rides - monthly treks on various Tucson bike paths (during the cooler months)

  • Family Fun Days - Intergenerational activities of movie nights, crafts, holiday celebrations, and more!

  • Mission Activities throughout the year - check our Outreach and Justice page for the organizations we support

  • Music Opportunities - join our choir or bell choir (learn more on our Music page)

From Previous Events