
For any questions about these events, please email

Worship Services

Weekly, monthly and holiday services are offered throughout the month

Communion and Contemplation
8:30 am 2nd and 4th Sunday in the Chapel

Sunday Morning Worship
9:30 am every Sunday in the Sanctuary.

Taizé Inspired Service
6:30 pm every 2nd Thursday

Holidays Include:
Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter and more.

Recurring CAUCC Events

Recurring Community Events

These are events hosted by community groups at CAUCC, not necessarily by CAUCC

Two offerings:
10:00 - 11:30 am Friday (Rooms 7/8)
9:00 - 10:30 am Saturday (Rooms 5/6)

Alzheimer’s Support Group
1:30 pm second Wednesday (Rooms 3/4)

Grief Support Group
1:00 pm Second Tuesday (Room 4)

These events happen regularly

Coffee Hour
Takes place after worship each Sunday in McNear Hall.

Intergenerational Fun-day School
Each Sunday after worship on Zoom.

After Worship Christian Education Opportunities
Sundays after worship, and changes throughout the year.

Spiritual Life with Pastor Michael
11:00 am every Tuesday in Room 3.

Pastor Study - Ponderings with Pastor John
10:00 am every Wednesday on Zoom.

Centering Prayer with Pastor John
Two offerings:
12:00 pm every Tuesday in Room 1.
12:00 pm every Wednesday on Zoom.

Hike with Pastor Michael (Click link to sign up) 
Second Thursdays during Fall/Winter/Spring.

Stitch Witches
Every Thursday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Men’s Breakfast
Every Thursday at 8:30 am at Beyond Bread (Ina/Oracle)